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Coaching Intervention for Psychosis- A Lifestyle Redesigning Approach



商品訊息描述 Despite recent advances in pharmacotherapy, psychosocial casework, and early interventions, improving the treatment of psychotic disorders is still a major challenge for mental health professionals. The coaching approach discussed in this book specifically addresses that difficulty. It is a recovery-oriented approach that attempts to help mental health patients function better in everyday life.

The book starts with a short introduction to psychotic disorders, the principles of psychosocial intervention, and the challenges inherent in such interventions. It then provides a systematic review of the lifestyle redesigning approach, i.e., the coaching approach in the context of an early psychosis intervention program in Hong Kong (the Jockey Club Early Psychosis Program). There is also a step-by-step guide to conducting group intervention sessions using the coaching approach.

Intended for mental health professionals working with psychosis patients, Coaching Intervention for Psychosis: A Lifestyle Redesigning Approach provides useful instructions for basic training. It is also invaluable to patients and caregivers who wish to understand and facilitate the intervention procedures.

  • 作者: Leung, Kwok-fai/ Chan, Iris Hiu Hung/ Lau, Nicole Ka Man/ Chen, Eric Yu-hai
  • 原文出版社:Hong Kong Univ Pr
  • 出版日期:2018/05/01
  • 語言:英文

Coaching Intervention for Psychosis- A Lifestyle Redesigning Approach


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